Minchin's Musician's Resources

 The following files are all in a  .PDF format. Adobe Acrobat Reader is needed to view and print the files. This format is used so the pages are printed the same on all printers. Click on the icon below to download and install the Adobe Acrobat program onto your computer - the basic version is FREE and is all that you need to view and print.

 Blank Music Paper

10 Staves - Treble Clef
10 Staves - Bass Clef
10 Staves - No Clef

12 Staves - Treble Clef
12 Staves - Bass Clef
12 Staves - No Clef

Basic Music Information

Key Signatures - Major and Minor - Circle of 5ths and Circle of 4ths

Major Scales - Circle of 5ths
Natural Minor Scales - Circle of 5ths
Harmonic Minor Scales - Circle of 5ths
Melodic Minor Scales - Circle of 5ths

Scale Steps - Shows the intervals between each step of the scale for major and all forms of minor scales. The sample shows the steps in the keys of C Major and A Minor and the same intervals can be transposed into each key.

Music Links - Misc. Music Links

Looking for music, supplies, etc., click on these links to find what you need!

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Harvey Minchin
E-Mail: harvey@minchin.net

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This site was created by Harvey Minchin - ©2001
Last updated on March 1, 2022